Sculpted Box – Taryn Bone + Johnny Ng


Since the addition of the High Line to the New York City landscape we have begun to see an influx of apartment buildings and high rises being built all around it.  Unlike when it was an elevated  rail system and buildings shunned the tracks, the new designs are creating an intimate relationship to the site, as they hug it closer and lean over the walkway. Taryn Bone and Johnny Ng project does that and more, as their project pushes and pulls against the high line, the facades densification plays with the new found voyeurism given to walkers on the raised platform.  The skin of the building opens up reveling circulation and public spaces, and blanks out private space, leaving some program to the viewer’s imagination.  We just wish all these buildings would begin the 2nd dialogue of the high-line and finally begin to connect points of public circulation into these new hubs.  Check it out after the jump!

STUDENT: Taryn Bone +
PROFESSORS: Marcelo Spina -
COURSE: M.Arch 1- year 2
YEAR: 2013

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Futures + Design – Top Posts

Today we are checking out some of the all time top projects from the past year.    Check them out after the jump!

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reFUSE- Anthony M. Giannini

Today we have an exclusive post from Anthony at UC Berkeley.   Anthony’s project takes on a lot of different issues, but with a very astute and open mind.  Dealing with the ever increasing garbage problem in the world, Anthony developed a way to use waste paper and plastic as building materials in a very unique way, utilizing a 3d printer.  Take a look at Anthony’s unique and interesting solution to a growing problem.

SCHOOL: University of California, Berkeley
STUDENT: Anthony M Giannini –
COURSE: Master’s Thesis
YEAR: 2012

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Phytopia – Pablo Zunzunegui

Today F+ is showcasing an original submission by Pablo Zunzunegui with his M. Arch Thesis ‘Phytopia’, at UC Berkeley.  The project dives into the ecologies of the Amazon Forest, and designs an ecosystem between man and machine within the jungle. A radically different approach then Benjamin Badeau NATURE|MAN|MACHINE, where cities were left behind.  Pablo suggest the reinsertion of man into the jungle.  Phytopia, a Swiss Family Robinson like design, is designed to control both sunlight and rainwater exposure through mechanical intervention.  Check it out after the jump!

SCHOOL: UC Berkeley
 Pablo Zunzunegui
PROFESSORS: Ronald Rael 
COURSE: M. Arch Thesis 
YEAR: Spring 2012

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Ecological Research and Algae Monitoring Facility – Christopher Christophi

Today we have a project trying to use Venice’s unique setting to its advantage, reminds us of last year’s work by BAM! Studio.  The project tapes into Venice’s ever growing problem of of benevolent invasive macro algae growth.  The proposed design is to create a facility for the new proposed biodiesel facilities to utilize the algae growth has a natural source of fuel to create energy for parts of Venice. 

SCHOOL: Leicester School of Architecture, DMU
STUDENT: Christopher Christophi 
YEAR: 2011

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Newsprint Museum – Boston Herald Media complex – Aidan Lindh

Just yesterday we saw the release of the 3rd generation of the iPad the modern day replacement for today’s newspaper.  It’s in the last 10 years or so that we are beginning to see the effects of technology on the world of print and news.  However have we reached the breaking point where printing the daily newspaper has become nostalgic?  Aidan’s thesis plays on this concept of how to recreate the Boston Herald, so that it can adapt and reuse its space to become a mix-media mogul.  Yet the real question is print really dead to the point where we will move to solely digital form? Because I know I have old files on hard disks that I can no longer access, so is technology really the safe bet? Check it out after the jump!

SCHOOL: Wentworth Institute of Technology
STUDENT: Aidan Lindh
YEAR: 2010
COURSE: Thesis

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Black Tower – Konrad Basan

Today we are coming at you with a compelling parametric thesis by Konrad Basan that delves into the realm of today’s modern algorithmic and parametric design mythologies.  The “Black Tower’s” design is not only technologically driven, but the imagery of his final thesis book shows amazing craft and is so graphically intriguing.  Truly a thesis book we would love to get our hands on at F+!  Make sure to check out the rest of Konrad’s work after the jump!

SCHOOL: Politechnika Sląska Wydział Architektury
STUDENTS: Konrad Basan
YEAR: 2012
COURSE: Thesis

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This architectural thesis really touches upon on the most common learning disabilities today, dyslexia, a common disorder that affects the brain‘s ability to receive and process information.  However when you have a learning disorder you learn tools quickly to help you to become able to understand and continue learning, much like I had to myself at a young age.  Andrew Green seems to have reached into his visual imagination to fuel his architectural understanding, where he used his disabilities visual connections to map the direction of his thesis.  Check it after the jump!    

SCHOOL: Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology / Lincoln School of Architecture
STUDENT: Andrew K Green 
YEAR: 2010
COURSE: Master of Architecture / BArch

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Latent City – Yaohua Wang

Rarely do we showcase a student’s work twice in a week on F+, however Yaohua Wang’s 2010 thesis is just too good to pass up the opportunity to share it.  Yaohua dives into China’s post 2008 boom into the high-tech industry and how a country is bursting at the seams to grow and expand, and how the architecture of China is designed on the constraints of politics and economy.  Yaohua pleads that “If we as architects do not seize the opportunities that can give full play to architecture, but rather, simply and exclusively follow the requirements of our temporary need, it will always end up in this vicious, and ultimately inefficient, spiral.”  Check it out after the jump!

STUDENT: Yaohua Wang
PROFESSORS: Wes Jones and Devyn Weiser
YEAR: 2010
COURSE: Thesis

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Spatially Embodying an Ethnic Minority-Host Society Relationship: A Cultural Portal in Watertown, MA – Nicholas Greene

Today, we head back to Wentworth, to check out Nicholas’ project for a “cultural portal” in Massachusetts.  Nicholas creates a solution for how architecture can be used as a vehicle for creating and defining a cultural identity, as opposed to resorting to simply copying the predominant architecture of those people.  The building creates a vehicle for the Armenian population of Watertown, MA that allows the Armenian population of the area to celebrate it’s own cultural identity, but at the same time integrate into the areas deep grained American culture.

STUDENT: Nicholas Greene
  Wentworth institute of Technology
PROFESSOR:  Bruce Macnelly
YEAR:  Fall 2009 – Spring 2010
COURSE:  Thesis
PROGRAMS USED:  AutoCAD, Autodesk Revit Architecture, Adobe Photoshop CS4, Adobe Illustrator CS4

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