Beyond the Street – Mengyi Fan & Marc Moukarzel

Experiments in Motion is a research collaborative between Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation in partnership with Audi of America exposing partis between motion, mobility and design.   and Marc Moukarzel challenge the notion of urban densification by layering the city’s streets in multiple axes.  NYC city takes on the look of “The Fifth Element”, as they challenge NYC’s Urban sprawl and push its grid vertical.  Through their case study they are challenged with the notion pedestrian foot traffic, the violence of vehicular traffic, and the expansion of the urban footprint.  Check it out after the jump! 

STUDENTs:  and Marc Moukarzel
Columbia University GSAPP & Audi of America
YEAR: 2012

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9 /11 – May We Never Forget

Today we remember those who lost their lives on 9/11, and those who we have lost  since, because of this tragic day.

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PERFORMA_12 – University of Kentucky College of Design

Mike McKay and his studio Performa held at the University Of Kentucky College Of Design is prime example of material performance, digital design, and simple geometry brought to reality.  Performa was intense research fabrication studio that continues to push rapid prototyping production for a greater understanding of material limits and their ability to create structure.  Check it out after the jump and get a  glimpses of the students original models and boards.

STUDENTS: Adriana Torres, Anne Schwab, Bethany Long, Brian Moore, Brian Oldiges, Darcy Osting, David Dudley, Jaime Lam, Jeff Guiducci, Madelynn Ringo, & Taisa Sehic
University of Kentucky College of Design
YEAR: 2012

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1112M5 Inconsistencies v0.4 – University of Belgrade & 4of7 Architecture

Sixteen students of the University of Belgrade teamed up with 4of7 Architecture to design and construct 1112M5 for the Inconsistencies series.  An elastic structure was built at Kula Nebojsa, in Belgrade during a summer workshop.  From afar the project appears as a steal structure exploding out the concrete pavilion, however it is a web straps in tension.  The temporary structure stands to see how it is affected by the elements of nature.  Check it out after the jump! 

SCHOOL: University of Belgrade
COURSE: Inconsistencies series
FIRM: 4of7 Architecture
YEAR: 2012

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Futures Plus Wants You!


The new school year is starting up, and we’re ready for the fresh new projects and crazy ideas.  Show us your projects from last year, or your new ones from this semester!  We wanna see what the best and brightest in our field are doing to push the discipline in new directions, so show us what you got!

TOPOS – A Sustainable Social Forum – Andrew M Emmet

This project reminds us strongly of Eisenman’s The City of Culture, as the project in itself becomes the landscape. Andrew Emmet’s project however does not rest as a foreign object in the site, but in itself is made up of of the natural elements of the blends into the surrounding site.  The project strives to use today’s technologies with ancient green construction traditions.  As it carves into the landscape to create a hub for creative designers and entrepreneurs outside of main steam capitalism  Check it out!

STUDENT:  Andrew M Emmet
Savannah College of Art & Design
YEAR: 2011

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The Bowooss Bionic Inspired Research Pavilion – Saarland University

Nature is our best resource for finding the strongest and most complex structures in the world today.  Saarland University School of Architecture teamed up with research collaborative Bowoos to investigate a bionic inspired wooden shell structure.  The results are this highly digitally fabricated temporary pavilion.  As we continue to see projects like this popping up all over the place, we are beginning to wonder what is the next step for these design studies into digital fabrication, outside of creating temporary structures? Or are we changing bringing ornamentation into built construction? 

SCHOOL: Saarland University
RESEARCH GROUP: Bowoos –  Bionic inspired wooden shell structures.
YEAR: 2012

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