Some of you are currently working on your architectural thesis, while others are trying not to think about your nearing final year in school.  So we thought we’d mix it up a little today and bring to you a totally different style of approaching your thesis, done by four students from Ball State University College of Architecture and Planning.  This collaboration of students proposed a group thesis where they spent a year exploring the world of design fabrication and today’s modern fabrication equipment as a business platform.  And now a year out of school their company PROJECTiONE has joined the ranks of emerging architectural fabrications shops like THEVERYMANY and Bram Geenen.

SCHOOL:  Ball State University
STUDENTS: Adam BuenteKyle Perry,Elizabeth BooneEric Brockmeyer
COURSE: Thesis Continue reading

Canopy Design – Digital Architectural Lab

Computational design is always an interesting thing to see implemented in small scale designs, especially those at the human scale.  Maybe it’s the juxtaposition of a digital means of creation with the cruder physical world.  This project is a great example of that, a computationally designed bench and shade, done at the Digital Architectural Lab, sponsored by the Hunan University SoA.  The DAL is a workshop that brings together prominent architects in the computation field with students. This work done under the supervision of a few architects from Zaha Hadid’s office and UNstudio.

SCHOOL:  Hunan University,  Digital Architectural Lab
PROFESSORS: Biao Hu, Yu Du, Suryansh Chandra, Shuojiong Zhang  Continue reading