PIN architecture – JAN 2013 Competition


Some of the best designs and innovations are quick and dirty scribbles on a dirty napkin. So why do architecture competition require 6 boards of pretty images and sections, just to get the root idea across? PIN architecture is a way for students, designers, and professionals to quickly participate in a monthly competition. There is no fee to participate and no eligibility requirements. You are forced to keep your idea within a 4 inch diameter circle. A great competition to help flex professionals and students design muscles in a monthly competition. We look forward to throwing down ourselves and see what comes out of these competitions!

YEAR: Jan 2013

JAN 2013 Competition


The Breathing Building :

In pursuit of higher R-values and lower energy bills, buildings are increasingly becoming hermetically sealed from exterior environments. While energy efficiency is extremely important, buildings can also be designed to open up to outside conditions. Glass affords buildings visual connection with the outdoors;however, other qualities (breezes, sounds, and smells) are typically limited to the operation of windows and doors. How might a building more fundamentally open and close beyond standard methods of fenestration? How might it inhale and exhale?
Submissions may be technical, conceptual, practical, and/or artistic. Participants are asked to consider a solution that addresses an environment that requires insulation, not a location that has consistently temperate weather. Concepts should address both open and closed positions.

Competition Details :
Any media and text contained within a 4 inch diameter circle with white beyond. Download templates here   . Send submissions to by Jan 25 (include your name, city, and state in the e-mail). There is no fee to enter. Submissions will be judged on Jan 31 by a jury of three designers. The first place winner will receive a poster containing the top 10 submissions of the month.

Schedule :
Jan 5 : Competition Brief Posted
Jan 25 : Submission Due
Jan 31 : Winners Announced

Contact :
E-mail questions to

All text and images via

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