Bundle House – Jason Orbe-Smith & Keyla Hernandez


Some architects live for straight lines and simple geometrical forms, and others are enticed by the elegance and seductiveness of a curve. Jason Orbe-Smith & Keyla Hernandez’s exploration into curvature with their Bundle House certainly would catch the eye of both sides of the conversation.  The language and detail of the curve is given strength and rigor through the exploration of digital scripting, where the spaces flow into each other and visual densities define private and public space through the fenestration.  Even the landscape and vegetation allows for the architecture to defining its own spatial relationship to the site.  Our only criticism is trying to call this a single family home, the programmatic strength and study could greater serve as a new possible network of urban sprawl.  Check it out after the jump!

STUDENT: Jason Orbe-Smith & Keyla Hernandez 
PROFESSORS: Hernan Diaz Alonso


“This project explores curvature and line work as a means to generate and control three-dimensional form.


Different formal curve languages are overlapped and create densities of lines which develop the three-dimensional logic of the building.



The project is a single family home which is layered with transparency and openings. As the density of line work varies between enclosure and aperture the house is allowed to offer both privacy and filtered views to the exterior landscape.


The landscape is also generated through line work and disruptions in a linear system. The landscape is seen as an artificialized nature that becomes a distinct object from the house while maintaining geometrical relationships to the house.


In order to activate the planar site, scripting is used to generate landscape and ground cover. A grid is first placed over the site, dividing up the ground into equal portions. Through numeric variations, these chunks are rotated and deformed in a search for a usable but engaging diagram containing both entropy and control.


In the studies a balance was sought between the overly repetitious and the overly unorganized. This produced a diagram containing a clear hierarchy of movement and rhythm that still allowed for a messiness without a total loss of control. Further detailing of the landscape is through an artificial naturalness of plants and materials.


The site is filled with vegetation as a means to soften edges, provide privacy and encourage unexpected weathering and relationships between the landscape and the house. The house itself manages to maintain its distinction while also camouflaging in the surroundings; an exotic form made approachable through the vibrancy and intricacy of nature.”
-Jason Orbe-Smith & Keyla Hernandez

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